The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18452)". My VPN connection has the option for "Use default gateway on remote network" unchecked for IPv4 and IPv6. Any ideas as to how to prevent the VPN connection …

Azure SQL database is public over the Internet, however, the traffic through a VPN connection from your on-premise network is private so it does not support to access Azure SQL database over VPN. Also, VNet Service Endpoints don’t extend to on-premises. Connecting To A Remote SQL Server Over A VPN - CodeProject Jan 29, 2011 Using VPN Connection and RUNAS to Connect to Remote SQL … Jun 19, 2013 Configure point-to-site connectivity using SSMS - Azure Connect to the VPN connection. Go to VPN in Network & Internet on your on-premises client computer and select your SQL Managed Instance virtual network to establish a connection to this VNet. In the following image, the VNet is named MyNewVNet. Select Connect. In the dialog box, select Connect.

VPN Kills Local SQL Server Connection - Cisco Community

How do I connect to an Azure SQL Server via an Azure VPN

Sharing a Database Over a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

sql connection lost over ipsec VPN I have an ipsec vpn-tunnel between fg200 and fg60. When a dbconnection is inactive for some time (15minutes or so), the dbclient program looses its connection to the sql-server. On both devices: Keylife: 28800 Nat-traversal enabled Keepalive Fequency: 5 Dead Peer Detection enabled Any tips on how to resolve this? Jan 22, 2007 · This class takes a VPN connection name and an IP to ping and will use rasphone.exe to connect and NetworkInformation.Ping to verify connectivity. Every 15 seconds, it checks connectivity and redials as needed. Obviously, the VPN has to have the authentication saved, and redial attempts set to zero. Connectivity error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Communication link failure The only time I've seen that message before is when SQL Server was completely overloaded and when the actual network connection itself was having problems (disconnected). I don't think either of those two things are the case in this instance. Could not open a connection to SQL Server – Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53 Make sure that you specified the server name correctly. For Server name , enter the DNS name and port number of your sample DB instance, separated by a comma.