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Languedoc-Roussillon | History, Culture, Geography, & Map As a région, it encompassed the southern départements of Lozère, Gard, Hérault, Aude, and Pyrénées-Orientales and was roughly coextensive with the former province of Languedoc. In 2016 the Languedoc-Roussillon région was joined with the région of Midi-Pyrénées to form the new administrative entity of … All About the Languedoc Roussillon Region of France The Languedoc-Roussillon Region of France is an undiscovered gem filled with a breathtaking coastline, some of France's best cuisine, a rich Medieval history, and amazing architecture. It also has some spectacular historic Roman architecture. Bordering Provence, Languedoc-Roussillon is just as charming and beautiful, but is less tourist-ridden Discover The Languedoc Roussillon Wine Region

Things to Do in Languedoc-Roussillon | Frommer's

Languedoc: French Wines With Terroir, Character And Feb 09, 2015 Visit Languedoc-Roussillon - France Mar 08, 2011

Languedoc-Roussillon – Wikipedia

Région . Languedoc-Roussillon . Période de programmation . 2014 - 2020 . Autorité de gestion . Région Languedoc-Roussillon - Direction de la Ruralité, de l'Agriculture et de l'Economie Littorale . Version . 9.2 (Consolidation avec CN2014FR06RDNF001 - v6.2 - Adopté par CE) Statut de la version . Adopté par CE . Date de dernière modification