US-led Coalition and Iraq resume operations against ISIS

Jun 07, 2019 US-led Coalition and Iraq resume operations against ISIS Jan 30, 2020 The siege of the ISIS-held city of Mosul has begun In June 2014, ISIS fighters in alliance with local Sunni tribes, who were seeking revenge against an Iraqi state controlled by Shiites, penetrated Mosul. The city fell within a few days with

The Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC; Arabic: التحالف الإسلامي العسكري لمحاربة الإرهاب ‎) is an intergovernmental counter-terrorist alliance of countries in the Muslim world, united around military intervention against ISIL and other counter-terrorist activities. Its creation was first announced by Saudi Arabian defence minister Mohammad

Mar 22, 2017 · Since 2014, Coalition members have provided more than $22.2 billion in stabilization, demining capabilities, economic support, and humanitarian assistance in Iraq and Syria – all of which guard against a resurgence of ISIS.

Some partners are contributing to the military effort, by providing arms, equipment, training, or advice. These partners include countries in Europe and in the Middle East region that are contributing to the air campaign against ISIS targets. International contributions, however, are not solely or even primarily military contributions.

Jun 04, 2020