May 30, 2017 · 68% of internet users believe that current laws are not good enough in protecting the rights of internet users. More than half of parents have not read online privacy policies of the websites that their children are visiting regularly. Only 1 in 3 people have begun using encryption, a secure browser, or a secure email provider for their online needs. A study conducted by the UN revealed that up to 17 percent of the global online population is affected by digital theft. This is compared to the offline crime rate of less than 5 percent. It is estimated that approximately 80 percent of cybercrimes aren’t reported due to not being aware of the crime or simply not knowing how to report it. Jul 08, 2020 · Internet Security Statistics & Facts. Collection of internet security statistics and facts for 2020. Key takeaways: The cost of cybercrime damages will cost up to $6 trillion annually by 2021. 1 out of every 131 emails contain dangerous malware such as ransomware and phishing attacks.

Jun 06, 2016 · 60% of internet users surveyed have given inaccurate information on social media about themselves as safety precaution. 55% have asked someone to remove an online post or un-tag them because of privacy concerns. Nearly 1 in 4 internet users surveyed used unsecured public wi-fi leaving their personal information in open.

In an online survey, approximately seven out of ten individuals responded that what worries them most is their privacy over the Internet, rather than over the mail or phone. Internet privacy is slowly but surely becoming a threat, as a person's personal data may slip into the wrong hands if passed around through the Web. Mar 29, 2017 · Fixing Internet privacy requires more than individual actions. Every day corporations like Google and Facebook — as well as retailers — track you. To stop them takes more than individual actions. More Internet Information Sources and Usage Statistics. Internet Internet description from Wikipedia, history, creation, growth, structure, uses and other basic data. Web Browser Statistics Statistics and trends for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, UC Browser (USWeb), Opera and IE. ICANN

While some see the loss of privacy as a necessary evil, almost 50 percent of U.S. internet users were more concerned about online privacy in 2019 than they were in 2018. Statistics on the topic

Nov 04, 2019 · Data privacy is a global issue that affects billions of internet users each year. Consumers around the world are becoming increasingly worried about the protection of their online data. However, while data breaches have increased, awareness for data privacy continues to grow.