Porn Sites Make a Return in India by Tweaking Domain Name

Some porn sites blocked in PH MANILA, Philippines – Some pornographic websites were blocked in the Philippines as of Saturday, January 14. Top porn sites like Pornhub, Xvideos, and Redtube do not load anymore when accessed Unable to access any porn websites - Microsoft Community It's not because of Windows 10. Which country you're from? India? India ISPs blocks Porn websites from 2 Aug 2015. For more information read the following news article, Indian ISPs start blocking porn sites in India. Many adult sites inaccessible from Indian ISPs Porn sites are once again being blocked in the Philippines Jul 01, 2018 How to open blocked porn site |funny videos - YouTube

May 23, 2020 · It will block explicit, adult, or porn sites. However, sites like Reddit or Imgur are not blocked. Google and Bing are still set to Safe Mode, while YouTube is not restricted. Speaking of which, you can block particular YouTube channels instead. The OpenDNS Family Shield DNS IP.;

Jul 12, 2020

1000s of sites blocked in India. But this simple trick

Apr 25, 2015 · you must talk to ur school, they must do it for u. The person usually ur principal who blocked the addresses must unblock it for u. Usually u need a password to unblock it, ask it from ur school Otherwise you need to know some hacking languages which is not easy Which sex sites are not blocked in those Countries? Unfortunately, all the big and known sex sites are blocked in those Countries. It is also illegal to watch porn in any of the Countries in the list above. You might encounter a small porn site that has not yet been blacklisted, but it is a matter of time until it does. Jul 01, 2018 · According to different Reddit users, not all porn sites are blocked, and accessibility depends on which ISP (internet service provider) and DNS (domain name system) server you use. By switching to another ISP, you could access certain sites without much trouble.